Virtual Reality Training Systems

Virtual Reality Training Systems provide immersive training experiences, enhancing learning and skill development across various industries. Virtual reality (VR) training offers realistic simulations that enhance learning outcomes, improve safety, and increase engagement, making it an effective training tool.

Labotek is an exclusive representative of XVR Simulation, Netherlands & Flaim Systems Australia providing virtual reality simulation for incident command management training and immersive skill fire training. This enables the customers to command, control, and coordinate the emergency response providing a common hierarchy within. which responders from multiple agencies can be trained effectively.

We develop virtual reality training centers for institutions, industries, and organizations. We also offer immersive and interactive training experiences aimed at enhancing learning and skill development. We utilize cutting-edge virtual reality technology to create realistic and engaging training simulations.

We are committed to providing innovative solutions that improve learning outcomes, increase engagement, and empower individuals and organizations to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

Areas of Expertise

Training Simulations

Development of realistic VR training modules.

Custom Content

Tailored VR training programs for specific needs.

Hardware Solutions

Provision of state-of-the-art VR hardware.


Seamless integration of VR training with existing systems.

Support Services

Ongoing support to ensure optimal performance.

Emergency Response Training

Realistic VR simulations for crisis management and disaster preparedness.

Why Choose Labotek

Innovative Approach

Pioneers in using VR technology for training in India.


Experienced professionals in VR Training Systems.

Sustainability Focus

From design to deployment and support.

World Class Technology

Technology from the world leaders in VR Training.

Customized Solutions

Customizable VR solutions to meet specific training requirements.

We Alway Here To Helps You

Contact us

    For over three decades, we’ve been at the forefront of ‘smart’ infrastructure, delivering comprehensive technology solutions that empower industries and communities. Learn More

    Contact Details

    • 4/25 , Kirti Nagar industrial Area, New Delhi 110015
    • + 011-4142 6169

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